Wednesday, January 9, 2008

False Alarm

Last Friday my mom and I were heading out the door to go to Babies-r-Us when we remembered that I was to have my blood pressure checked. She checked it with her digital BP cuff, and it was higher than it had been at the doctor's office. My brother suggested we run up to the fire station for a quick BP reading on their manual cuff for a more accurate reading. The paramedic checked it, and it was 170/108- even higher. I called my doctor, and she told me to get my stuff together and head to the labor floor at Geisinger. Mom took me, and we endured a long process of tests, and monitoring. They even put an IV block in case I was to stay. My contractions were only 3 minutes apart, but after a few hours, they said it was all a false alarm, and gave me a perscription for BP medication. No Babies-R-Us that day!

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