Saturday, February 25, 2012


For the first time in my life, I BELIEVE I can accomplish my fitness goals. I have always started and stopped when the work got too hard. Or indulged in bad-for-me-foods and vowed to start over again the next week. This has been my life. I am grateful to my trainer, Nisan Trotter, for believing in me and pushing me far past my comfort zones to help me build strength and belief. I am thankful that he is a devoted Christian and told me one morning, that he had already prayed for me that morning.

The last 7 weeks have seen some high points and some low points. I did lose 3 more lbs. this week, bringing my total to -16 lbs. since New Year's!!!!
There have been SO MANY DAYS that I've wanted to quit or come up with an excuse big enough to not show up. Andy has lovingly encourageded me to push past the obstacles and I have started to actually look forward to staying in this for the long haul. My trainer said, "Having a strong mind is just as important as having a strong muscle." He also says in his Alabama way, "Get Yo Mind Right!" As my belief grows, my eating habits change, and my body follows by stepping up my game and moving faster than I have moved in years and years.

During today's workout, we did a particularly challenging set, and we earned a 1 minute rest. I was huffing and puffing and as I looked to my right, I saw the co-trainer, Yorellis Trotter, doing a bunch of sit-ups. I said, "Nisan said we could rest!" She replied, "I can't rest, I am burning calories. If you want to rest you can. You don't have to win the transformation trophy or that Kindle Fire, or that Bella makeover, it's fine!"
YIKES! I laughed at her for a few seconds then got down and started doing sit-ups rather than taking the rest of the rest. This is the kind of thinking that I need to push me past my mental limits! It's the kind of motivation that helped Yorellis lose 45 lbs so far!!!
I know I have many, many more pounds to lose to even begin to get into the "healthy" range, but starting somewhere is the first step. My Dr. has been keeping close tabs on my progress. I have had some disappointing Dr. visits lately. He is so excited that I am exercising and losing weight, but my health is still at a dangerous place. If you think about it and remember, I'd appreciate as many prayers about this as possible. I'm nervous about the future, but I can only do my part, trust my Dr. & fitness trainer, and let God work His will in me. I have lived in denial for so long that my body is reaping the consequences of the neglect. As I hear results and new info my from Dr., I may feel more comfortable to share more. For now, I thank each of you for your outpouring of support through cards in the mail, texts, emails & words of encouragement. I love being part of the body of Christ. We are family, and I thank God for you!

1 comment:

Iva said...

Kara, you are inspiring. Thank you.