~I loved each of my babies' first cries. There's not a sound in the world that has overwhelmed my heart with love, even before seeing the child the sounds came from.
~I loved hearing each of them say "Mamma", and when then reach for me, to be held.
~I love kissing every boo-boo and having that power to instantly make it all better.
~I love hearing Clayton said, "Good morning to you!" every morning in a sing-song voice.
~I love playing babies & trains, walking to the park, playing ball and planting flowers with them.
~I love that Sadie still wants to be cuddled & rocked, & that sometimes all she wants is her Mamma.
~I love that Clayton has a tender heart, and often talks about what Jesus did on the cross, and later how He a'came alive again. :)
~I also love that Clayton is "all-boy", often wanting to play rough, and get really dirty.
~I love how Sadie will keep the rhythm to any song and "sing" along every time she hears music.
~I also love how Sadie plays with her dollys and rocks them, and pats them & gives them kisses.~I love, but am humbled by the fact that I am not only their Mommy, but their teacher, and curriculum and their filter for this world. I must be consistently reveling in God's Word, interceding on my knees for them, joyously living a life of worship to Christ alone, and obtaining a peace when my mind is stayed on God. (Isaiah 26:3) I must push past cares and seek to be renewed of mind with truth of the Lord, and not my earthly thoughts. (Romans 12:2) A Christian mommy does not just change diapers and wipe noses, she is to learn how to be clothed in strength and dignity, laughing without fear of the future, speaking kind words, and giving instructions with kindness. (Prov.31 25-26). This is of course, a lot to live up to. Will we do it perfect? no. Increasingly? yes!
I am, of course, not perfect, but I don't claim to be. I am just so thankful for what God has blessed me with. I will never take for granted the 2 treasures that I have in Clayton Andrew & Sadie Hazel. (Phil. 1:3) "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God."
What a beautiful post! You brought tears to my eyes. God bless your mothering. * hug *
Thank you, Faith! It is a blessing and huge responsibility that I take very seriously!
Beautful post Kara
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