Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Reluctant Hooray for Spring!

My daffodils are up, and I am finally taking my snowmen down! It's funny how my least favorite times of the year, are becoming so enjoyable! I let the kids play outside this week, and their shrieking and playing and dirt-encrusted scalps made me realize that I may actually like spring after-all! I love the refreshing feeling of new growth on the trees and seeing the robins and bunnies, pulling out my spring clothing & flip-flops....
I woke up early to the sound of hundreds of tweeting birds outside my window, and for the first time, it didn't annoy me! SO, I don't that I've ever cheered for spring before, but
"Hooray for Spring 2011!"


Mark and Laura Fultz said...

Hey, Lady! It's not always as easy to comment on a blog as it is on fb and there's no "like" button, but I thought I'd send you a quickie anyway and let you know that I STILL read your blog. I still love looking at your pictures and I STILL love the "who" of you!! :) Hope you all are over the "plague" by now and that you are having a lovely spring!

Kara Plank said...

Thank you, Laura! ;) I know it's more difficult to comment on a blog, but I certainly appreciate the effort! Happy Spring, my friend!!!