Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

The person I call "Mom" with the little man who calls me "Mommy".

As a young Mommy myself now, I can see the many ways my own Mom is such a wonderful person. It is not always easy to know if you are being the right role model, or carrying out the right discipline, or teaching your child the right amounts of things for their ages. My Mom is not only my Mom, but my friend. I appreciate the many, many sacrifices she has made for me over the years, and the prayers she has prayed for God to lead me in His ways and not my own. I truly love and admire my Mom!!!

It is also an incredible privilege and blessing to be a Mommy myself. God has given me so much in Clayton, and I never take a day with him for granted. He helped me stay strong through a very long, hard year, and continues to give me strength to "fight the good fight for the prize" -which to me is seeing him grow to be a man of God. I love every moment of his new achievements & discoveries. I love that his face lights up when he sees me, and I love his slobbery kisses & sweet little hugs. I cherish him and also the new life growing inside me.
I Samuel 1:27

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