Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Clayton's results:

The pediatrician told me that Clayton was totally fine! I am still confused, but going to take his word for it. He said the white poop is not the flu or anything to do with the liver since Clayton's liver is not enlarged, and he is not jaundiced. I am thankful for that! He said "it must just be how Clayton is digesting his food this week." So, false alarms are a good thing in this case!


Missy said...

Yay! I prayed for him. Glad it isn't anything serious!!!

S. DeWolfe said...

Glad Clayton is fine. Its better to check when in doubt. My boys over the years have had "interesting" to say the least, bathroom occurrences. One other point to keep in mind is that Clayton is lactose intolerant, right? Anyhow, as a lactose allergist and with 3 lactose intolerant boys plus other food allergies, strange things happen. In my opinion, I would say its related to lactose or a food allergy. Good luck and let me know if you have questions!!!!!!!! Glad to see I am not the only one that panics,, then doctor visit!!!!!!!!!!