Friday, September 19, 2008

Shopping with Clayton

Clayton hangs out the side of the stroller well armed and ready to grab whatever may come in contact with his little hand. Once he reaches something, it is quickly pulled to the floor in a heap, or jammed into his mouth and slobber-fied.

Clayton found something at Walmart he wants...that little boy in the mirror!


Dawn said...

Just don't let him stand in the basket part of the cart and reach out for things!! I leaned the hard way that little guys can get over balanced and fall out.:-( (Matthew always rides in the basket because Erin is in the baby seat.) Matthew has fallen out on his head two different times in Walmart. His mother was rather embarresed when they had to call every manager and medical personel to the front of the store. What great memories!!!!!

Boog said...

Clayton's outfit is really cute. He had such a sweet expression staring at that Walmart baby!!