Saturday, April 12, 2008

Andy and Justin

I came across this picture, and knew I wanted to post it! Justin Ellison, our pastor's son, is one of Andy's biggest 'fans'. He tells me almost every church service that he prays for 'Andy in the Army.' He is such a sweet boy, and recently colored a picture for me to send to Andy. This picture was taken over a year ago, when Andy first came came home from Ft. Benning. I wanted to share it, since Andy hasn't been able to post onto the blog. They have most sites blocked, so he can't put any news about himself on here. Hopefully that will change in time...

1 comment:

Missy said... sweet! I always like to hear that a child is praying for a specific person. There is nothing like "child-like" faith. I hope that all is going well with Andy. I pray for him. And you and Clayton. =) Lv...