Wednesday, February 15, 2012

@ Pappy & Grammy's

Since I have boot camp from 5:45-6:45am and Andy's men accountability group meets Tuesdays from 6-7am, we have had the kids stay overnight at my parents every other Monday night, and I just get the kids after my workout. The kids LOVE sleeping on the floor in "special" sleeping bags (one was mine from childhood and a Thomas the train one from my brothers' childhood!), watching the trains go by and hearing the coo-coo clock. :) They also love all the toys and snacks and spoiling. This is a new favorite- dancing with Colby. Poor Colby....!

Pappy was winding the coo-coo clock, and the kids took in every movement! :)
After we leave Pappy & Grammy's, we make it a point to stop at Walmart for a few things and the kids always have to talk to the fishies.

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