Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer."
Do you discipline your thoughts and words to be pleasing to God? I hear so much negativity, racism, slander, cursing, and gossip and often wonder, how is this promoting the kingdom of Heaven??? Do you dwell on the bad things of our culture in this world, or choose to give the benefit of the doubt and remember that this world is not where God will set all things right?
Yes, evil can appear to prosper and the wicked succeed, but rest assure, one day, God will set all things right, and this earth is not that time and place. Don't have "just enough religion" to make you ineffective for God's kingdom.
Choose to be aware of the times when you can be a blessing and a light, and be open to someone doing the same for you! (like the Wal*mart greeter or cashier!)
I love the words to an old chorus, "Lord, lay some soul upon my heart, and love that soul through me. And may I always do my part, to win that soul for Thee."
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